Analysis Of Iran’s Foreign Policy In The Syrian Conflict And The Stakes Of National Interest Of Countries

Asep Kamaluddin
| Abstract views: 62 | views: 29


The examination of Iran's foreign policy within the worldwide political landscape is a compelling subject due to its notable pragmatism and occasional utilization of double standards, whereby Iran alternates between aligning with recognized governing bodies and supporting opposition factions. Iran employs a dual approach in engaging in conflicts, wherein it concurrently undertakes active involvement by deploying troops and supplying weapons, alongside diplomatic initiatives aimed at peaceful resolutions. The aforementioned discovery is intriguing because of Iran's pragmatic approach to its foreign policy stance, as well as its comprehensive support for allies in both conflict and diplomacy. The strategic decision made by Iran to deploy soldiers and military advisors to Syria can be interpreted as a manifestation of pragmatism. This move aimed to uphold Iran's influence in the Middle East, taking into account the potential costs and benefits associated with such policies. Additionally, this action was driven by the objectives of combating terrorism and proactively preventing geographical isolation. Another objective is that Iran, via its endorsement of all measures determined by Syria, manages to evade any kind of embargoes and sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union, which have significant adverse effects on Iran. The issuance of Iran's foreign policy is not simply driven by international interests, but rather is a pragmatic decision made to protect stability within the country.


Iran; Iranian Foreign Policy; Syrian Conflict; National Interest; Countries

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